While the command prompt of windows is notas powerful as the UNIX terminal, it does come with some handy tools.
1. Encrypt your files: Well, I cant tell the level of encryption it offers but it's better than third-party encryptors i suppose. Simply lunjch the command prompt on the directory you wish to encrypt. To do that, just goto the folder in Windows Explorer. And on the address bar, just replace the path with 'cmd' (without quotes). Then type cypher /e and hit enter, the CMD will encrypt the files on that folder. No other user can access those files withhout decryptinh.
2. Change the colors: The command promtpt window is ostensibly may seem monotonous. With this, you can customize the colors to your liking. Firstly, type help color, this will show you a list of colors and correspoding digits to swithc to that color. For example type color 0c for red text on black background.
3. Change the dafault text: Before everytijme you're going to give some commands, you must seeing a boring path-like line. You can change that too. Simply type prompt followed by your desired text. You can use some special chararcters too. To see which special characters are allowed type help prompt which will provide you with the list.
4. Change the windows title: Just type title followed by the name you want to call it, and then you will see the title changes from the simple Command Prompt to the same.
5. Watch STAR WARS in ASCII text: It's pretty cool. Just type telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl and hit enter.
6. Create a wifi hotspot: Simply type "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=HotspotName key=Password". Replace “HotspotName” with the name that you want for your WiFi hotspot, and replace “Password” with the password you want to set. Hit enter.
Next, type “netsh wlan start hostednetwork” and hit Enter, and your WiFi hotspot will be broadcast, and other devices will be able to connect to it.
If you want to stop broadcasting your WiFi hotspot, simply use the command “netsh wlan stop hostednetwork”.
7. Hide folders: You could just simply hide a folder by changing its property to hidden. but if someone just makes changes in folder options to show all hidden files, they will be shown. But this trick will hide them completely. Navigate to the folder you want to be hidden. then type the command Attrib +h +s +r followed by the folder name and you're done! You can again unhide it by the same syntax replacing the plus sign with minus one viz. command Attrib -h -s -r foldername.
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